Today is the last day of RecrearAppy Kazan and it’s almost the time to wrap up our project.This makes me sad, but also very excited for more projects to come! We will write a detailed report on the project, but before that…
I wish to thank all and each of you. Project participants – you were great! I enjoyed working with you so much! Recrear members – you were so supportive and resourceful, thank you! My special thanks to the Department of Conflict Studies and its Head – Alexander Salagaev – without your help and kind advice the project would not be possible! I am particularly grateful to everyone who donated to RecrearApply Kazan in any shape or form, including my parents who donated us food! And my special HUGE-HUGE-HUGE thanks to Nolan Empey. I’ve never enjoyed working with anyone as much as working with you! I appreciate everything you did to make сoming to Kazan possible, the work you did during the project, but above all of this your friendship. Thank you!