Vivimos para el esfuerzo que hacemos nosotros
Vivimos para el esfuerzo que hacemos nosotros Cuando pregunté a un joven ‘como percibe su rol como joven en la comunidad’, el me responsdió deciendo las palabras de arriba. ‘Nosotros’ se puede interpreter a varios nivelas: primero se significa que los jovenes creen en su propios abilidades de contribuir a su comunidad. Es un comentario […]
Tierra Verde
Someone asked me today, ‘De que color es su tierra?’ – What color is your land? Confused I asked him what he meant and he responded ‘Mi tierra es verde por todo que hay que ver’, (My land is green, for all that you see). I thought about this and could not come to […]
Time to Unpack Our Baggage
RecrearMagnify is such a personal journey for me: One part personal development, one part professional development, and one part life-long frienship building. For the organization, its a time for skills-building and stratigicplanning, but its also a moment for new and old members to recharge. This “recharge” is the most critical componet for me. Our membership […]
Surrendering to Serendipity and Finding Direction for our Passions!

I rocked up in Montreal for Recrear Magnify 2015 with very little idea of what to expect but filled with a strong sense that it was just what I needed right now, both personally and professionally…..I was content to simply ‘surrender to serendipity!’ My initial sense of enthusiasm didn’t even dissipate when I realised my […]
Unofficial Spaces: Making Memories
The best part about these kind of initiatives is often the quiet moments in between official sessions, when young people get to engage with each other on day to day issues such as marriage, intercontinental differences and reflections on activities. This, I have come to learn, cements the friendships created and brings value to the opportunities […]
Diving into our emotions
How can I give myself permission to change and grow? And as I change, how do I contribute to the system surrounding me? Who am I to the social system I struggle to accept? Am I supposed to resist it? If so, how does that influence the mosaic of my nerves, flesh, feelings, aspirations, and day-to-day […]
Collective poem: Going Inward.

Today, we hosted a creative session to explore our emotions around the CODIV-19 crisis. This is our collective poem. How are your emotions speaking to ? I am your fear of your feelings. I don’t want you to risk anything. I am frustration. I am the clawing in your chest, the prickles in your skin. […]
A remote cooperative inquiry to renew our organisation

The description of a year-long participatory research that Recrear undertook to re-think itself.
What’s ‘the system’ to me?
Have you ever found yourself blaming the system for not realizing a dream you once had? Have you declared not wanting to be part of it anymore? Have you called for ‘systematic change’? I certainly have. But what is the system? In 2017, a group of us spent a week together. We danced, laid on […]
Unraveling ourselves in the system
How can I give myself permission to change and grow? And as I change, how do I contribute to the system surrounding me? Who am I to the social system I struggle to accept? Am I supposed to resist it? If so, how does that influence the mosaic of my nerves, flesh, feelings, aspirations, and day-to-day […]