Recurso 25



That morning, I went to pee. Everything stilled. There were two doors. A person with a skirt and one without. I breathed out, and walked

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annual report

Our art

As I write this, I am sitting in a funky hostel in Cali, Colombia…   When I arrived this afternoon, my eyes got caught up

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RecrearMagnify 2015

Circular Reflections

Dear Loved Colleagues, I remember the day I learnt what I was going to be growing up. It was July 2009 and I was walking

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RecrearMagnify 2015

Flash of luck

Have you ever felt that you were in the right place at the right time for NO particular reason? That feeling that goes through your

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RecrearMagnify 2015

Finding our voice

Voices have always been the open paths towards mutual understanding. A voice in itself, shows significant details of one person’s personality, poise and represents in

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let's talk!