Quiet Insurgency: The intrigue of surprise

“Now you have truly experienced South Sudan”. At first I didn’t appreciate his amusement with my ordeal, but then he began educating me on the importance of . . .
Musical Silver linings: 10 Songs to Make You Smile
We asked our network of young people around the world to share with us a song that reminds them of the good in the world. These songs are uplifting, chilled out or simply some good food for thought.
What TEK has been saying, if only we would listen
TEK has become more popular in recent years, as a distinct way of imagining and interpreting the world around us. It has also emerged as a way of thinking about the environment that is complementary to scientific climate discourse.
Driven by Curiosity
I think it is “life-affirming” to once in a while do something completely different from what you typically do.
Change the world in your own language!
The more time I spend here in Armenia, the more I become sure that looks are deceptive. It never truly shows the reality of a person.
So how lucky am I?!?
The scene is straight out of a fairytale- yet this was actually our office space for a morning session on RecrearMagnify Armenia
RecrearMagnify 2014 – Meet our team!
Meet the extravagant team we brought together for Recrear Magnify Armenia 2014!
Chinito and the garden
Chinito proudly explained to me everything that, being lost in my daily hustle, I had never come close enough to see.
You Defend What You Feel
Young people with a strong commitment to the environment have one common denominator: they each have their own personal, as if customized, relationship to nature.
Everything is Changing?
I was aware of the changes in Cuba, and what organizations need to do to survive. Yet, I could not imagine how much, in just three years, this space and its people could have transformed. I started asking myself a few questions: the first was how much things were really changing in Cuba, and if this type of mentality . . .