Being seen and seeing through PAR

Being seen and seeing through PAR With Recrear A poem, kinda A new language undefined by words but rather by presence. An experience of the senses beyond the restrictive probing, prodding and fickleness of one world ways of knowing and being. A thick descriptive knowing, with body, with heart and with mind. A being that […]
Who are the people we go to in times of need?

During the Magnify experience, there have been a couple of instances of understanding and deep connection with somebody else that have left me feeling a little sad. I am not sad at the connection in that moment; that makes me feel great. I am sad that I have had to carve out two weeks in […]
Magnify 2015 – A thank you poem by Barnabas

Barnabas’ goodbye poem. Play the audio here:[divider] To thank you all for such a wonderful time, I thought I would try to write up a rhyme An Instagram Jesus, Chris you must be, Silent, lovely, and strong was how you struck me! Passion, eyes flashing fire express all what you mean, Dayam! Yolanda […]
Here is to building friendships, networks, community and NGO’s :D
When I was packing my bag to come out here to the Magnify conference I asked my self a lot of things… yes I know that sounds so cheesy but I did. This is an investment in its own, as I will be giving my time, energy and money – I just wanted to be sure. […]