Time to Unpack Our Baggage

Recurso 22
Recurso 26




RecrearMagnify is such a personal journey for me: One part personal development, one part professional development, and one part life-long frienship building.  For the organization, its a time for skills-building and stratigicplanning, but its also a moment for new and old members to recharge. This “recharge” is the most critical componet for me.

Our membership is international, with young people coming from many corners of the globe. We also come from very diverse professional backgrounds, which makes for interesting (and sometimes tense) conversations.  That’s why I’m always thrilled to take part in the personal development component of RecrearMagnify.  Before jumping into the more intellectual workshops (such as Breaking Down Buzzwords), members are afforded the time and space to reflect on our own imperfections, strenths, weaknesses, and fears.  (editor- please dont post yet)

Arriving at Center Tara
Arriving at Center Tara

let's talk!