Honeymoon, Dismissed Development Ego and ‘the Italians’
One week in, I have absolutely no idea what 100 Voices will teach me. What is very clear is that everything I have studied, discussed and thought about up to now feels simply not useful to process what I am experiencing. My gut says that to learn the most I need to be looking at […]
Ya viene!
It feels like I’m in East Africa again. For a number of reasons: the quiet beaches, the tease to no end culture, the centrality of community and family, the love for music and food but above all because of time. Time – we all manage it differently based on where you live. Here, there is […]
Off Record
Esmeraldas is a wrap up. First community finished, down in the books. Now it’s documenting time- videos, audio, photos, and text. The question I ask myself is how to present the individuals singularly. The experience is own entity, meanwhile we have to dissect and cut out individuals from the story to present systematically their words. […]
Building bridges – blindfolded
To be honest when this project was launched with a mind for working with youth aged 18 -25, I never really conceptualized a clear idea of what these people would be like. Here is what I knew: they are costeña (i.e they love their salsa, seafood, football and being loud and expressive in general). There […]
Identity Politics – some things just cannot be pinned down
I will often be the first to rant about the impossibility of defining an individual’s identity. Simplifying it to ethnicity, race, gender, religion and all that fun census stuff – does not quite cut it. The fact is that once you explore each of these further you realize that the boxes are not accommodating anymore.
Rainbow of Desire
What I have been feeling is perfectly normal. Wow this might be one of the first not projected statements I have written, and which now I am condemning as projected as I reflect on this. Development Theater, developed by many but spearheaded by Agusto Boal, is one of the techniques we are using during 100 […]
Lucha de Voces
When you start a journey, a 100 voices journey, to collect stories of people you have never met, whose homes you have never visited, and whose deepest thoughts you cannot even imagine, you wonder how the first voice will be distinguishable from the others. I arrived to Ecuador a few days ago to conduct the […]
Just not the traditional way
Some news: the project, in an official sense, has yet to begin. Yet were I might have once allowed this to bother me I feel oddly reassured in the plan that lies ahead. That is, even though the start we envisioned never took off some other kind of beginning did take place when we arrived […]
RecrearAppy Kazan
Today is the last day of RecrearAppy Kazan and it’s almost the time to wrap up our project.This makes me sad, but also very excited for more projects to come! We will write a detailed report on the project, but before that… I wish to thank all and each of you. Project participants – you […]
Quoting project participants: Alsu
8 days of the workshop has passed. Few weeks ago I didn’t know anything about Recrear organization, I didn’t know exactly why I had agreed to take part in this workshop, and only now (or maybe 2 or 3 days ago) I realized that I had made a good decision! I missed first session, so […]