The things that make us happy

We think about happiness a lot when we work with people. So much so that we created an exercise around it. In celebration of the International Day of Happiness, we’d like to share the technique with you and encourage that you integrate it into your own work. The task is simple enough. Write 10 […]
Flash of luck

Have you ever felt that you were in the right place at the right time for NO particular reason? That feeling that goes through your body and makes you aware of all the possibilities. I have always thought we have our own say over our lives, and even if some things happen for a reason, […]
The Challenge and Promise of Youth-Led Development
Creating a Bigger Conversation around Youth-Led Development
You Defend What You Feel
Young people with a strong commitment to the environment have one common denominator: they each have their own personal, as if customized, relationship to nature.
Disconnecting and Reconnecting
Nothing facilitates your connection to the environment better than being in nature. Sounds silly? I invite you to observe how you feel the next time you are walking in the woods, swimming in a lake, diving under the waves, or running in a park. Why do you go to these places? What do they make you feel?
How youth in Cuba are incorporating arts and the environment
Over the past several weeks, we talked to a lot of young people who are organizing and/or participating in community projects that specifically use the arts to stimulate environmental education and awareness. Our team of nine youth researches for the Recrear-CYEN participatory project all agreed that the use of art mediums encourage problem solving and […]
Recrear sat down with 8 Cuban youth leaders and discussed the power and importance of music for them. Each participant chose one song and explained to us why they believe it represents Cuban youth. Here is what they told us
Meet La Mucura
As South Americans we live in complex contexts that have led us to search for new paths of social change. During this search we have discovered the great potential that lies in cultural expressions to create new possibilities, to reconstruct what has been broken, to unite and to recognize diversity. This is the conviction […]
Meet Roydes
I see him as a Batman type; he is everywhere and manages different lives. Roydes spends about half of his time with his mom and great-grandmother and the rest of the time with his dad, stepmother and stepsister. While searching for our Recrear headquarters in Cuba, I have been staying with Roydes’ dad. There everyone […]
Youth Engagement & Social Media
Kristine Vodon, Industrial Designer Youth are increasingly spending a lot of time on online social media sites, which many say is leading to a generation of “slacktivists”. This infographic takes a deeper look into youth on social media, and the arguments on whether slacktivism is a bad thing, or just a new way for […]