OccupyNOLA vs. RecrearNOLA: A Difference in Priorities

The Arab Spring in conjunction with Occupy Wall Street and its associated spin-offs have made me a believer in the idea that we are looking at a period in history that is set to turn the future on its head, but it remains to be seen just how revolutionary it will be. Are we looking […]

Recrear New Orleans- Launching a new Chapter of Recrear!

Recrear New Orleans: some reflections Almost one year after Recrear.beta I feel confident to say that despite all the threats and weaknesses that have become obvious during our first year in business, our strengths and opportunities by far outnumber our problems. Recrear is a young and evolving organization; for the better or worst, all the […]

What. A. Whirlwind.

In just two weeks, our small group of Recrear coordinators has accomplished so much.  The desire of the Recrear founders to achieve more and more is contagious.  Despite the truth that New Orleans mellows out considerably in the heat of the summer, I think it’s safe to say that this Recrear New Orleans group has […]

So I failed to mention . .

…that our first fundraiser which happened on July 5th/Kevin’s 25th b-day bash was a success. $910 raised for our cause ($911 to be exact because I found a dollar on the ground which was unaccounted for). It started off slow, however, after an hour or two it was popping. It was the perfect networking activity […]

a moment of Reflection

So everyone….. We keep on moving onward and upward from here. It has been a packed last week and a half but we have come together and accomplished so much. On the 6th, the group brainstormed for hours to come up with a year long plan for Recrear New Orleans’ first year. We received a […]

A quarter of a century in one day

This year for my birthday I did more than I have ever done.  It was quite a feat for me to organize all of my networks and “IOU’s” to culminate in a one day celebration of life and prosperity.  On July 5th, I did more than celebrate the day I entered the world;  I shared […]

Recrear New Orleans – Goals and Strategies

Many flipcharts later, we concluded our first week of work together in New Orleans with some interesting points in hand (celebrate!). We brainstormed our goals and strategies for Recrear New Orleans – the next steps will be deciding what programs this chapter will be focusing on, developing job descriptions, and designing a 3 year plan. […]