Digital Stories

Recurso 21

Too often students do not get to influence their education. And trust us - they have lots to say. Inviting them to create digital stories about their experiences in school is a great way to break the ice. This technique was used as part of the PAR project ‘Voices for Change: Developing Leadership in Inclusive Education’ designed and implemented by Casa-Pueblito in the Winter and Spring of 2016.

Recurso 14

Written by

Denisse Albornoz

Edited by

Gioel Gioacchino and Maria Paola Wong (Program Manager at Casa - Pueblito)

Developed by


Our Experience Using this Technique

The Casa – Pueblito team used this technique to engage Latinx high school students in conversation about their experiences in school. The program was 12-weeks long and consisted of a series of workshops in which students achieved two objectives. First, they got to meet other Latinx students and share stories about how their Latinidad was shaping their identities, relationships and learning experiences in school. And second, they learned digital skills – photography, video filming, video editing and voice recording – to translate these stories into powerful short films.   

This is an example of how participatory video can help youth can reflect about their place in the world and their ability to make change in it. 

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Data doodles
Embodying complexity
Balloon Mirroring
10 things that make me happy
The personal map of my neighbourhood
The Messy Room

let's talk!