Recrear’s Wish List!

Dear Friends and Supporters, This Holiday Season you can decide to support Recrear by donating some of the equipment we need for our projects. Below is a wish list of what we need for our upcoming projects with a description of how they will be used and a link to Amazon where you can purchase […]

Learn more about how Recrear works!!!

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Join us at the Recrear Magnify Final Gala!

Click to download our Final Gala Invitation! Welcome to Recrear International! We are currently hosting a conference for 14 young international leaders here in Ottawa with a close partnership with Carleton University and we are holding a final gala this Sunday, August 21st. We would like to open the work of Recrear International with young like-minded […]

Stepping out…

Tonight the Recrear team tried to MAGNIFY our skills by crashing the gen YOTT “Summer Ain’t over” networking event downtown Ottawa. This was something that not many of us had ever experienced before. As we all walked in there was a group of around 70 people within our generation from many different industries. Our goal […]

Pure Joy

What have my past two weeks been like? Pure joy. Let’s see…in the first week I learnt how to do yoga and meditate while at a beautiful retreat just out of Montreal, at the Art of Living Foundation. I shared a cabin with four sistas; Valerie, Kirsten, Komal and Gillian, and I was lucky enough […]

Stepping off into the Pacific with Love! :)

So everyone. I just wanted to let you all know how difficult it was to leave all of you. As the plane was taking off, I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Dunton Tower and thought of you guys. I’m in the Chicago airport right now, waiting for my connecting flight to San […]

Sad, yet happy

Do you know how often you start the sentence “Yes, but…”? I do it a lot! I wish I could say I used to do it a lot, and that my experience with Recrear, especially our first week in Ashram, has erased all “could’ve”, “should’ve” and “I’ll try” from my head. Nevertheless, it didn’t, or […]

Meet Our Week Two Speakers!

From August 8th-13th RecrearMagnify hosted a speaker series including over 20 speakers from 16 different organizations from Ottawa.  Here’s a glimpse of some of those sessions! [slideshow]